I brought one pair of shoes. One right shoe and one left shoe. I almost always take my shoes off and relax on long flights, and the red-eye from LAX to GUA was no exception. We land and I go to put my shoes back on except there is only one shoe. The right shoe. The left shoe is nowhere to be found. I looked, I looked some more, then I made Mel look. Sometimes I can be blind. She couldn't find the missing shoe either. The tears in her eyes from laughing so hard could not have helped. Who loses one shoe on an airplane? ...Me! Who takes only one shoe? Maybe it was in an aisle and a steward picked it up while I was sleeping. Nope. There was no turbulence during the flight that could have launched my shoe into the lavatory. "Why is that gringo getting off the plane and going through customs with only a right shoe?" I can't help but think how much it will suck to cruise around Guate at 5 in the morning with only one shoe and wait for the shoe store to open. I did find my shoe. It migrated four rows back from my seat and gave me quite a scare in the process. I love traveling.
I keep saying that I will chill out and stop trying to do so much, but this has yet to kick in. Before we left I decided that it would be fun to watch the Civil War...in Reser Stadium. Jake and Molly snuck me in and I stayed for the first half. I was pretty pleased to leave with a 20-7 lead. That was totally squandered by the time we got to the airport and we watched a very exciting 4th quarter in the Eugene airport. I got some dirty looks for cheering too loud in the airport bar.
After a five hour bus ride this morning we arrived in Xela. We plan to stay here for the next week and learn Spanish, climb volcanoes, drink coffee and generally settle into a routine.
More Lessons Learned
6 years ago
I'm glad to hear to made it, shoe or no shoe. You never cease to make me smile. I'll be thinking about you as I study for finals... so not fair. :) But I got a job at Burst's today for Christmas, she hired me on the spot. So I'm gonna see if I can work at Peak too until Christmas and make some serious doe. I love you both and tell Melanie I cuddled with Cota all night last night and Mom's been giving him treats. He's happy as a clam can be without his mommy!
Your sister.
That story made me smile... and laugh....alot. I miss you guys already, Feb. can't come soon enough. I was thinking of maybe trying to meet up with you guys for skiing this winter, as a surprise to Jason. What do you think? I know you are in the tropics and aren't concentrating on winter yet, but just an idea to think about. Jason and I are good, our drive back from Thanksgiving took 13 HOURS, and it has been snowing in Seattle since we got back. Very strange, but I'm enjoying it!
Give Mel a hug for me.
Geez, Keith. How does one lose a shoe? Maybe you (or Mel) could buy some string and you can tie your shoes to you for future travels. Only you, Keith, could pull something like that off. Glad you found it and it was great to talk to you before you left. I was so pleasantly surprised to hear your voice. I'm so glad you guys are safe and having fun traveling. Take care and muy buena suerte a Uds.
I lost one shoe the other day as well...although I was not lucky enough to retrieve it. Que les vaya bien y aprendan mucho!!!
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