Thursday, October 27

Weekend plans

This weekend Mel and I are planning to head to Seoraksan NP for some backpacking.  They have granite, but we are just taking light packs to check it out and do some hiking.  Supposedly the fall colors are absolutely the best in Korea.  It is a four hour bus ride from here and we are leaving on a late bus after we get off work tonight.  Heading back on Sunday.  I am really looking forward to checking out the real Korean mountains.

The latter part of the week in Ilsan has been good.  We are still eagerly awaiting our visa trip to Japan.  Five more foreign teachers arrived.  Tom is from Arizona, Mark is from Connecticut, Simon is from Sydney and the couple Rick and Sophia are from London.  Work is good with more placement tests for the now 100+ students, preparations for opening day and figuring out all that we will be doing once the actual teaching starts on Monday.  We repotted our dendrobium orchid, which Desiree kindly identified for us.  I got this kick-ass pot for $5 including soil.  Korean food continues to amaze me with its sheer quantity, incredible flavors and cheapness!

1 comment:

~I said...

sounds pretty out there! what is the forest type there? I shall expect to see some photos come monday.