Monday, October 24

Mission Accomplished

We found some granite in Bukhansan NP Saturday morning.  It is fairly easy to get there, but it took us awhile due to our inexperience with Korean mass transportation.  The subway system here is huge and was not too hard to figure out.  the bus system is nearly incomprehensible, but we will get the hang of that too.  Anyway, we made it and the park is beautiful especially with all the wonderful fall colors.  The downside is that people swarm the place like locusts, but once we made it onto the climber's trails there was nobody to be seen.

The granite of Insubong is coarse and relatively unweathered.  Pretty similar to J-Tree.  The climbing was fun and definitely worth the trip.  We shall return.  Mostly it was just nice to get out of the city and move around.  later that evening we explored Seoul a bit with Jenny and Nicole (both friends from Corvallis) as our guides.  Seoul is crazy and it was nice to see some familiar faces.  More on Seoul when I get more familiar with the city.  Right now it is totally overwhelming.

Sunday night we checked out Ilsan (the city we live in) with a Korean teacher at our school, Jennifer.  She was a great guide and took us to a Bellagio-esque fountain.  It played everything from ABBA to Korean 80s rock and sprayed water all over in time with the music.  Then we hit a brewery!  I was so stoked to drink real beer.  Still not up to Oregon standards, but definitely better.

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