Sunday, March 26

Spring is in the Air!

Spring has finally come to the country of Korea! This is great news because winter was cold, dark and miserable. Friday night we had a wonderful sushi dinner at our local sushi place followed by a wonderful nights sleep. Saturday we went to Ganhyeon with Corey and climbed hard for as long as I ever climb hard for. It felt great. On the way home Corey directed us the the best restaurant he has yet found in Korea. Everest is the name of the place and it has the bomb Indian, Nepali, and Tibetan cuisine. We were hungry and ate until we could eat no more. Sunday we took three students from school hiking in Bukhansan and had a great time with them. One was a chill 13 year old girl that had no problems, one was a spazoid 10 year old boy that ate it constantly and the third was an out of shape 13 year old boy. It was fun and we got paid a bunch of overtime. This morning I made eggs n' taties for breakfast and now I am at work again. It was a great weekend of eating and playing outside.

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