Monday, March 13

Seonunsan Weekend

Melanie with our frisbee friend Park Young Chal.

Friday night we loaded up Pedro de Pacas and headed south for a weekend of climbing. We gave rides to some climbers we met online at the KOTR forum. Corey is a guy from
Boulder that we hit it off with straight away and Daniel is a 19 year old army guy from West Virginia that is stationed near the DMZ. Pedro delivered us safely to our destination shortly after 2am. We listened to a bunch of noisy ladies at a batchelorette party for a couple hours and woke up early to a loud jackhammer and cold misty weather.

The climbing was cold and wet on sharp limestone. It rained, snowed and blew. Late in the afternoon we bailed on climbing to play some frisbee. Corey, Amanda, Mel and I were throwing the disk around and this older Korean hippie walked up that had clearly never seen a frisbee before in his life. We included him in our circle and I non-verbally taught him to throw forehand and backhand. He started off like any novice, but by the end of the session he rocked both throws. He was super into the Zen of throwing frisbees. He did this meditation/visualization exercise before each throw that was super fun to watch. Maybe the painted fingernails and patched pants helped his performance. I liked Young Chal so much that I ended up giving him my frisbee.

We ate bomb ass Mexican and drank around a campfire. It was great. Sunday we climbed (I belayed) in the snow and drove home. Last stop before home was Indian food and a foreign foods market that Corey showed us. We got all sorts of great ingredients like curry paste, coconut milk, garbanzo beans, basmati rice, Thai eggplant, Thai sriracha, and paneer.

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