Wednesday, March 12

The Math

It is increasingly difficult to get a clear and unbiased picture of what is going on in the Democratic Party Primary. Everyone's delegate totals are different and in most cases they don't even add up to the number of delegates already decided. To get a clear picture, I did a little research on my own and came up with some numbers that make sense. I compiled totals of pledged delegates for each state based on CNN, NY Times, AP and candidate estimates. I averaged superdelegate estimates from AP, DCW, and CNN.

My current estimate, including yesterday's Mississippi delegates, has Obama with 1,619 delegates compared to Clinton's 1,493. To reach the current goal of 2,025 delegates, Obama needs 406 more while Clinton needs 532. In terms of percentage, this is a significant difference with Obama needing 44.6% of the 911 delegates remaining on the table. Meanwhile, Clinton needs to secure 58.4% of all remaining pledged and super delegates to secure the party nomination. History is not on her side. Hillary currently has 46.6% of the pledged delegates allocated and has only exceeded 60% of pledged delegates in AR, OK, RI and American Samoa.

I believe that the superdelegates will not overrule the will of the people if one candidate leads by more than 100 pledged delegates going into the convention. To close within 100 pledged delegates of Obama, Clinton needs 314 of the remaining 566 pledged delegates or 55.5%.

Here are some more complete numbers:

Pledged DelegatesSuperdelegates

PrimaryCaucusCurrentDCWCNNAPAverageTotalNeeded% Needed






Pledged Delegates3,2532,687566


Total Delegates4,0493,138911


Let me add that none of my numbers include any provision for delegates of FL and MI being reinstated. This would put 313 pledged and 46 super delegates back on the table. For an even more detailed look at my analysis including a state-by-state breakdown of delegates look here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey thanks for your early endorsement of Obama, I ended up sending him some cash, and am working on all the "latino demographic" that I know to support him. Too bad none of them can vote. Thanks for taking the time to break down the numbers. Pretty exciting "THE BEAVER STATE" will count for something.

Oregon Hillbillies for Obama!!!!